[Video] Experiment Templates Are Now Available to SciNote Users blog

Experiment Templates Are Now Available to SciNote Users

2 min read, 2 min video

SciNote’s dedicated scientists prepared templates of today’s most widely used life science experiments. Detailed descriptions, protocols and graphics are here for you to use, edit and develop them further.

Using the Experiment Templates in SciNote

You can find these templates among your projects on the main Team projects screen. If you are new to SciNote, this can help you set up your own experiments as well.

In the Experiment templates project card, you will find numerous experiments e.g. CRISPR, Antibody purification, Transformation of E. coli with electroporation, Development of SNP markers panel, SDS-PAGE and more.

Each template contains a series of tasks.

Tasks contain detailed protocols for you to use and edit.

You will also find some interesting schemes and graphics. Log into SciNote and check them out!