Sync Your Quartzy Lab Inventory to Scinote for Better Connected Science Data

SciNote Quartzy Integration for Lab Inventory Management

We are excited to announce the new Quartzy and SciNote integration!

Quartzy is a web-based lab inventory management platform that provides a centralized hub to request supplies, a robust inventory management system, and an expansive e-commerce platform that allows you to shop from thousands of suppliers—all in one place.

If you are already using Quartzy, you can now sync your Quartzy inventory directly into SciNote’s Inventory Management system.

*This feature is available to all Premium plan users. Platinum users will have access to this feature in autumn 2024.

You might ask, why would I want to sync my Quartzy inventory into SciNote? Keeping your inventory information in your electronic lab notebook means you will be able to interlink your lab data with inventory items, and quickly identify the inventory item used – whether it be a particular batch, aliquot, sample, and more. It will ensure that you never lose track of critical inventory information in the lab, one of the leading causes of inability to reproduce an experiment.

(By the way, check out this webinar on why it is important to treat lab inventory management as lab inventory “data” management)

With the Quartzy integration, you can:

  • See Quartzy inventory items within SciNote’s inventory management system
  • Open item information in Quartzy directly from the shortcut link in SciNote
  • Use SciNote’s smart annotations to refer to Quartzy inventory items
  • Assign Quartzy inventory items within SciNote protocol tasks

(Coming soon) you will also be able to:

  • Deduct Quartzy inventory stock used in protocols directly in SciNote
  • Trigger reagent reordering from SciNote to complete the process in Quartzy
  • Sync reagent reordering processed in Quartzy in SciNote

If you are ready to take the next step to improve your lab inventory management and data management with Quartzy and SciNote, here are the next steps:

Already have both Quartzy and SciNote?

Ask your Org Admin to follow the steps in the SciNote Knowledge Base to connect Quartzy inventories with SciNote. Contact your Customer Success Manager if you have any questions.

Already using SciNote, and interested in trying out Quartzy?

Let us know, and we will get you connected with Quartzy and make sure you are set up properly!

Not using SciNote yet?

Please reach out! We will set you up with a free 14-day SciNote trial so you take the Quart-SciNote integration out for a swirl.

Finally, we also encourage you to check out SciNote’s flexible inventory management system, which supports features such as stock management, item relationships, API integration, and more!

Happy SciNote’ing!